Download the exhibition catalogue Jacques Grinberg // Panorama 1964-2010
Read the introductory text to the art of Jacques Grinberg in the exhibition catalogue JACQUES GRINBERG / MAO TO LAÏ / MARYAN
Djeki Grinberg was born in 1941 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
In 1954, his family had to emigrate to Israel. He studied at a very young at the Avni Art Institute in Tel Aviv and began to exhibit.
Having arrived in Paris in 1962, signing his paintings JACQUES, he was quickly noticed in the salons and entered the Schoeller Jr. gallery in 1964. He was at that time considered an active force in the New Figuration.
In the early 1970s, following the closing of the Schoeller Gallery, he briefly left for Israel, then returned to Paris, traveled to Mexico, stayed in London.
From this period on, his painting evolves strongly, nourished by a great diversity of sources of inspiration.
Jacques Grinberg will not stop renewing his ideas and his visions until his death in 2011.
In the 1960s, Jacques Grinberg benefited from personal exhibitions at the Kaleidoskoop Gallery in Ghent (Belgium) and at the André Schoeller Jr. Gallery in Paris. He also participated in the salons which used to punctuate the Parisian scene, as well as in a variety of collective exhibitions in galleries in France, Europe and New York.
In 1973, his ink work was shown at the Saint-Pierre Abbey in Ghent, while his lithographs (Seven possibilities in 10 ways) are exhibited at the Galerie de France.
During the decades 1980-1990, his work was exhibited several times in Israel (Dvir gallery, gallery 27) and Cérès Franco organized four exhibitions for him in Paris in his gallery L'Œil de Boeuf. In 2008, the Polad-Hardouin gallery included him in its exhibition New
extras: Act III.
After his death, a retrospective is held at the Cité Internationale des Arts and personal exhibitions begin to be held in museums :
- Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris,An uncompromising painter, 2016
- House of Arts of Châtillon,Between flesh and spirit, 2016
- Ein Harod Art Museum in Israel,Jacques Grinberg // Paintings, 2015
His work is beginning to be better known to art historians and curators who include it in their project:
- From Poussin to Bacon-The Massacre of the Innocents, 2017, Musée Condé de Chantilly Curators: Laurent Le Bon and Emilie Bouvard
-Los Modernos //France-Mexico Dialogue, 2018, Lyon Museum of Fine Arts Curators: Philippe Dagen and Sylvie Ramond
- Ogres and bogeymen, 2021, Laval Museum.
Curator: Antoinette Le Falher
-Cruel Art, 2022, at the Jenisch Museum in Vevey
Commissioner: Claire Stoullig, assisted by Emmanuelle Neukomm
In 2016, 2017 and 2020, the City of Paris Museum of Modern Art, the Centre Pompidou and the Unterlinden Museum in Colmar acquire important works (purchase and donation).
Over the same period, Jacques Grinberg was regularly exposed at The Cérès Franco Museum-Cooperative.
Since 2019, the Kaléidoscope gallery has presented his works in the following exhibitions:
-ROSES(S) - Seven painters from 1960 to the present day - Color as a cultural construction
-Jacques Grinberg // Panorama 1964-2010
Visit the website www.jacquesgrinberg.com