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«Let’s walk in the woods» is the invitation!


Wood, new or recovered, all loaded with a lived experience, that of their manufacture, that of their previous uses.


Wood, often of large dimensions, that Tereza Lochmann works with the force of gouge to engrave them; with the fineness of the Dremel* to draw; with the softness of the roll to apply its lithographic inks.


Wood became sculptures after being matrices.


Woods in which the eyes of visitors can wander to follow a line, observe the traces of the resistance of matter to human gesture, discover unexpected details.


The exhibition presents recent works by Tereza Lochmann, including the Urban Circus series, as well as part of the installation The Silence of the Horses composed of an engraved oak and poplar door, and 53 unique large-format prints to be distributed over 23 linear meters.

The exhibition also proposes to discover or review pieces at the heart of the artist’s approach, which gradually imposes its brand and originality on the French scene, while being awarded in 2022 with the Vladimír Boudník Prize – National Prize of the City of Prague, the major recognition in the Czech Republic.


Born in Prague in 1990 and living in France since 2014, Tereza Lochmann is currently in residence at Casa de Velasquez in Madrid.


She is also accompanied by the FRAC Picardie and the Musée de Picardie for research and creation, as well as acquisitions.


The Musée de Picardie will dedicate to her in 2024 a monographic exhibition, La Fabrique des légendes.


* Dremel: small electric rotary tool with a very fine cutter, allowing to «draw» in the wood with a delimited gesture and thus explore the effects of a line dug in the material and not deposited on the surface of the support.


The realization of this exhibition was supported by the Czech Centre of Paris

L'exposition est accompagnée

d'un catalogue riche des textes

de Guitemie Maldonado

et de documents d'archives.

Edition : Le Minotaure

Diffusion : In Fine



19, rue Mazarine

75006 Paris


2, rue des Beaux-Arts & 23, rue de Seine

75006 Paris



Du 5 septembre au 21 décembre 2024

Du mardi au samedi de 11h à 19h

Dans le cadre du parcours

Paris Surréaliste, organisé par

le Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’art

et le Centre Pompidou

autour de l’exposition « Surréalisme »

du 4 septembre 2024 au 13 janvier 2025. 

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